One country, but also a whole continent! And what wines! Anyone who thinks now that this is the result of the last 50-60 years – keyword: New World – is immensely mistaken! Australian viticulture is older than North American and came already at the end of the 18th century with the first ships to Australia. Since then, the Australian wine industry has continued to develop very dynamically and was spared (with the exception of Victoria) even from the great phylloxera plague that massively hit European winegrowing at the end of the 19th century. Nevertheless, until around 1980, it was only known to insiders in this part of the world that Australia produced real top wines and not just barrique-heavy bulk wines.
Throughout Australia? No, because most of the continent is too hot and too dry for viniculture, so that only the coastal strip in the south-east and south-west and Tasmania are suitable for it, but there with tremendous quality. Australian top wines are now more than ever characterized by the favorable combination of location, soil conditions and sea climate and thus achieve finesse and strength that is second to none.
It is clear that here, too, the following applies: these types of wines are strictly limited and have a price that is still moderate in relation to comparable wines of the same quality.
If you take a closer look at this premium segment, it becomes clear that Australian premium wines are only sold to a significant extent to China, Japan and to England and Canada. The German consumption share of Australian premium wines is just 1.3% of the total market (Australian Wine Institute, Survey 2019 on premium markets by consumption value).
In other words, the premium segment of one of the most exciting wine countries in the world, with various top boutique wines, is hardly present here and we definitely want to change that.